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Dark Auctions

The Dark Auction occurs Friday at 8PM The NPC Sirius can be found in the cavern of Town Hall (Dark Auction Entry).

When Sirius is about to host his auctions, players must right click on him to enter a queue for the Dark Auction. Sirius only allows players in that have a lot of coins in their purse, so players should bring as much money as they can. The Dark Auction only allows a certain amount in, allowing the richest in first.

If the player is not rich enough, they will receive a message telling them they need to meet the money threshold of at least a certain amount of coins (dependent on the individuals in the queue for the Dark Auction), and will not be able to warp in. If the player successfully makes it in, they will be warped to another server into the house. Players can go behind the desk to go down the stairs and enter the Dark Auction room.



After 6mins of preparation, an item will be presented and will be showcased for five seconds. Players will then be able to place bids.

Similarly to the Auction House, the highest bidder wins the item. However, the Dark Auction follows a different system to the Auction House. Auctions only last for fourty seconds, but the timer will restart each time a bid is placed. Additionally, players can only bid predetermined amounts of coins by selecting items displaying possible bids from a line, replacing the item with the player's head. Players can not bid lower than the highest bid, and any invalid selections are marked by barrier blocks.

Similar to the Auction House, money is immediately removed from the player's purse on bid, but it is refunded if it is not the highest bid.

There will be 4-7 items all using this format. Once the Dark Auction is over, players will be teleported to the waiting entry.

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